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Q&A at Zulkifli Noordin's Press conference

Excerpts from Kulim Bandar Baru Member of Parliament Zulkifli Noordin’s hastily-called press conference after his sacking.

Q: Will you appeal against the party’s decision to sack you?
A: I do not plan to. I know very well the little Pharaohs in the party. They are only acting as if the (appeal) process exists.

Q: The party has urged you to vacate your parliamentary seat. What is your next action?
A: I think the first person who should vacate his seat is (Opposition Leader) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim himself because today, PKR loses the majority in Parliament to be the opposition leader. If PKR and Anwar truly hold to the democratic principle, then by all means, step down as the opposition leader. And I will consider (the party’s demand).

Q: In your statement earlier, you mentioned about some disclosure. What do you mean by wanting to disclose?
A: If necessary, I will disclose whatever that needs to be disclosed if they continue with this trend of character assassination. You must remember that I have been very close to the leadership through thick and thin. I am personally very close to Anwar. He even calls me brother.

Q: Are you going to disclose negative things about the party or individuals in the party?
A: Something which is not pleasant about the party and the individuals, which I do not wish to indulge in. But as I said, let’s be professional and take it as mature politicians. Why stoop so low with character assassination? I am not warning them but just reminding. If they look into the mirror, they (will realise) that they have no time to talk about others.

Q: What is your status now as an MP and will you consider joining Barisan Nasional??
A: I consider myself rendered to be Independent, by force. The issue (to join BN) does not rise now.

Q: What is your view on the grassroots support for you?
A: I have a very strong support. You can see that in the last general election, two of my Aduns (state assemblymen in the Kulim Bandar Baru parliamentary constituency) from Pas and PKR received a combined majority of less than 2,000 votes but my majority (more than 8,000 vote majority) was more, so definitely there are grassroots support for me.

Q: Did Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim call you (after the sacking) since you are very close to him?
A: He called, I will not deny that. But he told me that it (the board’s decision) was beyond him. To me, the little Pharaohs have taken control of the party now.

Q: How will this affect your relationship with Anwar?
A: I think on personal level, I have no problems with him. I will still have teh tarik and his favourite kuih cekodok with him.

Q: What is your view on Anwar’s leadership now?
A: I think he is too preoccupied with the case (on going trial) and too engrossed with (capturing) Putrajaya. This is a very big mistake and should not be happening.

Q: Is this the beginning of PKR’s end ?
A: I am confident (of that). Based on the response I received today, there will be other leaders, elected representatives and members who will leave the party after this. I can tell you with certainty that there will be an exodus of ordinary members, leaders and elected representatives. Let’s just wait and watch the unfolding (of events).
The decision to sack me today is a clear indication that the party had been hijacked by the little Pharaohs.

Q: How many are they and will they leave because of their Islamic principle?
A: A surprising number. But they will leave because of their principle of justice and (disappointment on) rhetoric slogans by the party. I was sacked not even 40 days after the police report I lodged (against Pas MP Khalid Samad). That is how fast they want to get rid of me.

Q: What is your advice to fellow Muslim members and leaders in the party?
A: My message is never ever give up. Fight the little Pharaohs and try to save the party, do not allow them to destroy the party. I’ve tried (to save the party) single handedly and I become the victim today. This decision (against me) is certainly self-destructive for the party.

Q: Are you saying that the little Pharaohs are a danger to the party as a whole?
A: They are very dangerous because their agenda is change tenets of our Federal Constitution. I’m sad that the PKR leadership couldn’t put a stop to their agenda.

Q: One of the reasons for your sacking is concerning your statements during a TV3 live talk show. Do you have any regrets on your statements on TV3?
A: Actually I’m proud that I stood my ground. If I’m being sacked for defending the sanctity of Islam and basic human rights then let it be. If to stand by Islam is a crime for them, then I am more then happy to be labelled as criminal, rather than standing by doing nothing while Islam is being demonised. - NST


  1. u should disclose what u meant by disclosure so that public who anwar really is. character assassination is part of their strategy to tarnish anybody who is against them.
    they have been practicing this since 1998.
    i support yb zul to disclose!.


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