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Six More Deaths From Influenza A(H1N1), Bringing Total Number To 32

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 10 (Bernama) -- Six more deaths from Influenza A(H1N1) were confirmed Monday, bringing the total number of cases to 32 in the country so far.

Director-general of Health Tan Sri Dr Mohd Ismail Merican said in a statement today that 203 new cases were reported and all were locally-transmitted involving Malaysians.

The accumulated number of H1N1 cases in Malaysia is 1,983.

"Out of the six deaths confirmed today, one happened yesterday while the other five happened earlier and confirmed to be H1N1-infected on Aug 7 and 8, but the cases were formally reported yesterday as H1N1-related deaths.

"Two of the victims actually died on Aug 5 and three on Aug 8. Four of the six were high-risk cases as they had chronic diseases or due to other factors like old age," said Dr Mohd Ismail.

At the moment, 67 people are being treated in hospitals for the contagious flu and 15 more in the intensive-care units, with three of them having chronic diseases, one is obese, one is in post-delivery and another is a baby.

Worldwide, the H1N1 virus has so far killed 1,688 people out of 208,155 reported cases in 174 countries.

Due to the rising number of cases, Dr Mohd Ismail urged the public to be serious in taking precautions and follow the ministry's advice, while those with influenza-like symptoms and at high risk of complications should immediately seek anti-viral treatment.

Those is the high-risk category are children aged five years and below, senior citizens aged 65 and above, pregnant women, children and teenagers taking aspirin on a long-term basis, and those with asthma, chronic lung ailment, diabetes, obesity, nerve disorder, liver and cardiovascualr diseases, and low immunity.

Dr Mohd Ismail said this group would be given anti-viral treatment without waiting for the laboratory test results, and the treatment would be effective if received within 24 hours after the symptoms began.

"To curb the Influenza A(H1N1) outbreak, the people should adopt a healthy lifestyle by drinking a lot of water, not smoking, eating healthily and engaging in physical activities.

"They should also be vigilant of symptoms like breathing difficulty, fever, prolonged chest pain, coughing with blood in the phlegm, vomiting and diarrhoea, and seek immediate treatment," he said.

More information on H1N1 can be obtained from the hotline numbers 03-88810200 and 03-88810300 between 8am and 5.30pm or by visiting the Health Ministry's websites at and



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