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We’re 1Malaysia family

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has called on Muslims and the people of Malaysia to strengthen harmony and break down any prejudice for the sake of the future generations.

“Let us make use of occasions like this to restore and strengthen relations among us Muslims and among us Malaysians,” he said in his Hari Raya message.

Najib also called on the people “to repair the existing bridge and to expand it by building new ones.”

“Let’s break down the walls of prejudice, hatred and apathy for the sake of our children’s future,” he said.

He called on Muslims in Malaysia to carry the torch of unity and progress, saying that as the community which formed the majority, they not only had the right but more importantly, the responsibility to shoulder.

He also called for the open house tradition to be continued and to be given a new meaning not only to open the door of the house to guests but also to open “the door of the hearts” to all, including the non-Muslims.

“The open house concept which has been practised all the while is a manifestation of the 1Malaysia concept. Please continue with this tradition; we are one big family, a 1Malaysia family,” he said.

Najib also said Muslims in Malaysia had many reasons to be grateful for, as they were living in a peaceful and prosperous country at a time when Muslims around the world were facing oppression, either politically or economically or due to war.

He said the peaceful atmosphere in the country did not happen by itself but rather, due to the struggle and sacrifice of the nation’s forefathers, independence fighters and the country’s security forces.

He also spoke of how Malaysia had successfully managed its diversity and turned it into a catalyst to strengthen unity.

“Unfortunately, there are certain quarters who peddle hatred and try to deny this. They try to sow seeds of ungratefulness in the minds of the people in their attempt to achieve their narrow objectives,” he said.

He said that there were also those who argued that all governments in the world were the same and that prosperity, security and progress can be achieved without careful planning and hard work.

Najib then asked that if that was the case, then why did differences exist between developed and underdeveloped nations, and why was there still poverty and killings in the name of ethnicity.

Najib also reminded the people to be careful on the road during the balik kampung rush in conjunction with the Aidilfitri.

“Let the homecoming be greeted by tears of joy and not tears of sadness.“

Ninety-three deaths were recorded throughout the country since Sunday. - The Star


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